Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 3

Third week we weren't able to do much because I wasn't in class. But what we were going to do was call other places that offer volunteering. We searched on google volunteer opportunities and found a good amount of volunteer opportunities for the 20% project. This Wednesday we are going to call the places we found and see if any of them are still accepting any volunteers. There was one for the American Red Cross for December & we are gonna see if that one is still available for volunteers. We are hoping to find something before December where we can volunteer so we can record what the project is about. But we shouldn't worry because there are more places we have that have that accept volunteers. We will call all of them on Wednesday to see which one we can volunteer at.

1 comment:

  1. Great project idea. Sounds like things are coming together well. There should be opportunities next month to help with for Thanksgiving. Maybe research some places to volunteer at for that time. Keep up the good work and keep calling people till you find place. Also, how do you plan on recording your experiences?
    -Ms. Ruger
